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Home and Business Security Fences: Buying, Maintaining and Improving

Welcome to my blog on fences. My name is Penny, and a few years ago, my business was broken into. Luckily, no one was there so no one was hurt, but it made my personal sense of security feel threatened, and there was a lot of property damage. As a result of that experience, I have spent a lot of time researching safety methods. I have learned about everything from locks to fences, but I plan to focus on the latter in this space. I hope these posts and ideas help you, your family and your business to be more protected.


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Home and Business Security Fences: Buying, Maintaining and Improving

Choosing The Best Automated Gates For Your Narrow Lot Home

by Rosa Soler

Installing automatic gates outside your home can provide many benefits, helping to provide security against unwanted visitors while increasing your home's attractiveness and overall value. However, if you live in a home situated on a narrow lot, choosing automatic gates that suit your needs can be a little challenging.

Fortunately, automatic gate installation services offer a range of different gate types and configurations, and many have features that make them ideally suited for narrow lot properties. If you are looking for automatic gates for your narrow lot home, keep the following considerations in mind.

Sliding Or Swing Gates?

Sliding gates are a popular alternative to more conventional, swinging automatic gates, but they may not be the best choice for homes built on narrow lots. Because these gates slide sideways when opening and closing, the edge of your lot will need to be at least twice as wide as the width of a sliding gate to make sure there is enough room for the gate to fully open. 

Automated swing gates are generally a better choice for narrow lot homes, which tend to have more space behind their front gates than to either side. As a bonus, swing gates are also usually cheaper to purchase and install than sliding gates, and they operate more quickly. 

Choose Remote Activation

Because narrow lot homes are usually situated in urban areas, you may not be able to safely park your vehicle while you key in a code or scan a card to open your automatic gate. Stopping your vehicle on a busy urban road to open your gate can also block traffic, causing queues and potentially getting you into scrapes with angry motorists.

For narrow lot homes in urban areas, remote automatic gate activation can be a lifesaver. Gates with remote activation features can be opened and closed using an infrared device similar to a TV remote, or connected to an app on your mobile phone that will open and close your gate at the touch of a button. Remote activation will help you get through your new gates as quickly as possible.

Look Into Underground Motor Installation

Automatic gates need powerful electric motors to function quickly and effectively, and the motors needed to power a large, heavy aluminium or steel gate can be quite large. Larger gate motors can take up a lot of space, which you may not be able to spare if you live on a narrow lot home.

If finding space for an automatic gate motor causes problems, consider having the motor installed underground. Underground motor installation is more expensive but frees up a considerable amount of space at ground level. Underground installation will also muffle the noise of the motor while it operates, and hides your motor from opportunistic scrap metal thieves.

For more information on automatic gates, contact a professional near you.
