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Home and Business Security Fences: Buying, Maintaining and Improving

Welcome to my blog on fences. My name is Penny, and a few years ago, my business was broken into. Luckily, no one was there so no one was hurt, but it made my personal sense of security feel threatened, and there was a lot of property damage. As a result of that experience, I have spent a lot of time researching safety methods. I have learned about everything from locks to fences, but I plan to focus on the latter in this space. I hope these posts and ideas help you, your family and your business to be more protected.


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Home and Business Security Fences: Buying, Maintaining and Improving

Should You Add Mesh Panels to Your Security Fence? Here Are 3 Reasons Why The Answer Is 'Yes!'

by Rosa Soler

The goal of your security fence is to keep your property safe -- but despite its name, there might be some ways to make your current security fence even more secure. One of the best ways to add extra security to your existing security fence is to have chain mesh added in the spaces between fence posts. Whilst most security fences have posts that are fairly closely spaced, that can still leave enough room for a person or animal to squeeze through. Here are the top three reasons why you should consider adding chain mesh to your security fence.

Keeping Animals Away

Just because your security fence is big enough to keep the larger animals away doesn't mean that many other creatures can't find their way inside. Many small and medium sized creatures like sugar gliders, cats and even wombats or wallabies might work their way onto your property in spite of a security fence -- but the chain mesh stops them in their tracks. Even smaller animals can do a great deal of damage to your property, so you certainly don't want them making themselves at home. A chain mesh addition makes it easy to repel all sizes of animals.

Keeping Intruders Away

Whilst your security fence is already designed to prevent intruders, you can add an extra layer of protection by adding chain mesh. With chain mesh, the holes aren't large enough to gain traction for climbing over the fence -- even the smallest child sized foot can't fit.

It's also difficult to cut through thanks to the tiny holes. Additionally, the chain mesh material -- typically aluminium -- is so hard that it could cause some real damage if a would-be intruder tried to manipulate it in any way. When a potential intruder sees a security fence with chain mesh between the panels, they'll likely leave the premises straight away rather than waste their time. The risk of getting injured and then getting caught in the act is too high.

Keeping Your Privacy Intact

Whilst your security fence does give you some level of privacy already, the gaps between the posts are likely large enough that people can see through them, even if it's just a little. When you add chain mesh, it becomes all but impossible to see anything happening on the property. The chain mesh isn't solid, but the holes are so tightly spaced that it acts as an almost solid barrier to keep your privacy (and safety!) intact. 

As the information above reveals, adding chain mesh to your existing security fence can be a great idea. Speak to your local security fencing contractor about adding chain mesh today.
