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Home and Business Security Fences: Buying, Maintaining and Improving

Welcome to my blog on fences. My name is Penny, and a few years ago, my business was broken into. Luckily, no one was there so no one was hurt, but it made my personal sense of security feel threatened, and there was a lot of property damage. As a result of that experience, I have spent a lot of time researching safety methods. I have learned about everything from locks to fences, but I plan to focus on the latter in this space. I hope these posts and ideas help you, your family and your business to be more protected.


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Home and Business Security Fences: Buying, Maintaining and Improving

Pool Fencing | 3 Smart Tips For Introducing Your Home to Pool Fencing

by Rosa Soler

Pool fencing is a necessary part of owning a swimming pool in your backyard because it adds a layer of safety and protection around the water. This is especially important when you have small children, since drowning is a leading cause of children's deaths below the age of 5. Depending on your personal style and preferences, you can choose between different designs, styles and materials. This guide is designed to help you choose the right pool fencing for your home.

Ensure the Pool Fencing Adheres to Australian Regulations

Specific regulations governing pool fencing has been stipulated across Australia to maintain safety. Pool fencing material must be durable, well maintained and free of holes and gaps. The fence should be at least 1.2 meters high and there should not be a gap of over 10 cm between the ground and pool fencing bottom. The fence gate should open towards the outside from the pool area and it should come with self-latching and self-closing mechanisms. The gate latch should ideally be on the inside. You will also need to ensure that scalable items like furniture, pot plants and trees are over 90 cm away from the fence boundary. These minimum regulations are integral to installing safe pool fencing in Australia. Check with your local council whether there are any additional safety requirements for your particular area.

Consider Your Personal Preference For Choosing Style and Material

You'll naturally want pool fencing materials and styles that appeal to your personal taste, apart from adhering to strict regulations. You can choose your pool fencing style to match the existing exterior façade of your home. For example, framed or frameless glass pool fencing is an excellent addition to modern homes. Glass fencing also provides unobstructed views between your home and the pool, making it a practical and attractive choice. Aluminium, wood or steel fences with vertical columns complement traditional styled homes beautifully and can be painted in the same colour as your exterior walls for a harmonised appearance. Aluminium and steel panels start from $85 to $160 for a 1.2 X 2.4m panel. A glass panel costs upwards of $90 for a 1.2 X 1.2m panel.

Consider Your Penchant For Maintenance

Every homeowner has a different threshold for cleaning and maintenance, so consider your own before choosing pool fencing materials. Glass fencing simply requires a scrub with detergent and water every once in a while, making it the easiest material to maintain. But glass pool fencing also tends to be more expensive than other choices. Aluminium, timber and steel fences will need to be re-painted regularly to maintain their pristine condition. Homeowners that want an easy maintenance solution will most likely prefer glass pool fencing. 

Use these smart tips for installing pool fencing in your home. Contact companies like Standrite Australia Pty Ltd for more information.

